Splitting GoutPal In Two

GoutPal Interactive is a terrific resource for gout sufferers. You can ask about your gout. You can get help from fellow gout sufferers who understand what you are going through. You can discuss gouty arthritis and all matters that relate to it. You can help me improve the main gout website. Almost all this is provided in the gout forum, with some extras in this gout blog. Unfortunately, the software that runs the gout forum is complicated - hard to manage and resource hungry. There have been some terrific discussions in the forum, and thousands of people have got good answers to their gouty questions. Unfortunately, some questions never get answered properly because the discussions grow through many topics. Some questions never get asked because the complexity drives prospective contributors away. My answer to these problems is to split the site between questions and discussions. You can ask your questions, and contribute to the answers in the Gout Question and Answer Section. You can discuss any and...
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Allopurinol And Alcohol Debate

This Allopurinol And Alcohol Debate is closed. If you still have any questions about allopurinol tablets, please read the updated allopurinol and alcohol review. If you still have questions after reading that, please follow the links to ask further questions, or to share your experiences and opinions. The original allopurinol and alcohol debate is: Many gout sufferers worry that alcohol might reduce the effectiveness of allopurinol. However, my recent review suggests that the biggest problem facing gout patients on uric acid lowering treatment is ineffective dosing. It is ridiculous to suggest that alcohol is affecting allopurinol treatment if that treatment is not set at the right level in the first place. I do not feel I have covered all the aspects of the allopurinol and alcohol debate, but I suggest that a sensible approach is to arrange a proper uric acid lowering management plan, and then only consider alcohol intake if that plan is not working. Now is the time to collect more views on...
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Gout Support Service Improvements Debate

Prompted by a recent request to improve my gout support services I have improved my gout discussion guidelines, and added extra information to make it clearer how you should complain, request extra services, or suggest service improvements. All these aspects of discussing how to use my websites are covered here, so whenever I use the term improvements, I include complaints and suggestions. Please note that this is about the content of the site and how to find it, or how to contribute to discussions in the best way. It is not about specific gout diet, treatment, or diagnosis/symptoms. However, if you see information on the site which you think is wrong, or can be improved, then you can discuss those issues here. Please read the Gout Support Service Improvements guidelines before you ask your question or add your comments. Leave the Gout Support Service Improvements Debate to browse other Using GoutPal forum posts....
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Gout and Gouty Arthritis Definition Debate

Following a question from a visitor, I have written my explanation of "What Is Gouty Arthritis?" I believe this is a reasonable explanation in the context of the question. However, if it only leads to the question "What is gout?" then I am not convinced that my response gives a good enough answer. My biggest problem is one of context. If I know why someone is asking a question, and have an idea about their subject knowledge, I can give a pretty good response. That is why I like questions that include a little background information. Faced with the question "what is gout?" I have a dilemma. There is no simple answer without knowing a little more. A scientific or medical explanation can easily mean absolutely nothing without pages of explanation about the properties and characteristics of uric acid, the physiology of the immune system, and the psychology of pain. A simple definition is: "Painful inflammation of joints caused by an immune system response to...
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Most Popular Gout Pages July 2012

The following gout pages were reported as most popular for July 2012. I have already added some to the new Favorite Gout Information category, and I will add the rest soon. I am also monitoring this weekly, and I will post last weeks top gout information later. If you have any favorite pages, please share your opinions in the gout forum. However, it is visitors that count, so the best way to tell the world about your favorite gout information is to share it via Google+ or Facebook. Of course, other social networks are available, and you can share with your friends and associates directly, with a simple email message. July 2012 Favorite Gout Information Home Remedies For GoutI needed a picture to illustrate that drinking lots of water is good for gout. Didn't quite get the gout angle, but definitely got the water. Uric Acid Management for Gout-Free livingUric acid management is most effective through diet, but drugs and dietary supplements can also help. Gouty...
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Emergency Gout Support August 2012

Update: This topic is now closed: please see https://gout-pal.com/gout-help/ I am upgrading this gout support site during August 2012. The forums are working as normal, but some links will disappear during my changes. You might have trouble finding the usual places, but please do not worry. The forums are now available via the menu above. The list under Forums will take you to the introduction page for each forum Those pages describe what the forum is about, and helps you get the most out of it. This is the best place to start if you are new to the forums. The list under Gout Discussion Lists shows all the current discussions. You can join in any discussion, but please note that the reply box defaults to replying to the original post. If you want to reply to a specific comment, please click the reply link on that comment first - this even applies to the last comment. At the end of each discussion list is a...
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